Vanguard Learning Series - Season 5
Fall 2022 All events coordinated by our Vanguard Learning Series Lead, Colleen Greathouse. |
We are creating new magic in the Vanguard Learning Series Season 5!

The VLS is new and improved! Each month, we will focus on a topic and Vanguard members will have bite sized PD available in the VanWeekly and on our Vanguard website which they can share to support teachers at their school. Don't forget to log XP points when you use information from the VLS to mentor teachers at your school! [Why the change in the VLS? Check out some of my inspiration in this podcast: and this blog post:]
Don't forget to tweet us @FCSvanguard and #FCSVLS and #CreateMagic when you try something new!
Don't forget to tweet us @FCSvanguard and #FCSVLS and #CreateMagic when you try something new!