Session 1: 10:35-11:35
Podcasting Playground -
Conference B with Amanda Triplett - Be A Part of Our VanCon Podcast! And see how your classroom can be transformed into a podcasting studio for almost no money at all. Play with a variety of microphones and editing options while hearing how these tech tools give voice to every content area and age group. Chat GPT and The Power of Artificial Intelligence in Education - Salon III with Ken Shelton - Discover and examine how this cutting-edge emerging technology is revolutionizing writing and research assignments while also saving valuable time and empowering students to learn more effectively. Explore AI's potential to enhance education through innovative usage strategies, providing teachers and educational leaders with the ability to foster a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. We will also look at how to approach using Artificial Intelligence from an information and media literacy perspective. How to account for the embedded biases, inaccuracies, and incomplete information the platforms will at times reveal. Expedition Impact: Planning for 23-24 School Year - Conference Four with Vanguard Executive Team - Get a head start on drafting your Impact Plan for the 23-24 school year. Talk and discuss with other Vanguard members to discover how to make the most impact at your school. Unleash Creative Communicators with Book Creator - Conference Two with Leigh Martin - Book Creator is an interactive publishing platform to create multimedia-enabled online books that will help you unleash the creativity in your students. In this workshop you will learn about how this platform works and see examples of how other Vanguard members have used this app with students. Virtual Student Technology Project Gallery - Salon I and II - At your own pace learn how other Vanguard members are transforming student learning with technology. This virtual gallery includes examples of student work and videos from fellow Vanguard members telling more about the project. |